Help Shape France's Future Energy Roadmap
New Regulations | Developers' Obstacles & Solutions | Finance & PPAs
Simultaneous translation will be available throughout the conference
On January 10th, the French Government enacted new regulations under the ‘Renewable Energy Acceleration Act’, in a strong effort to drag the French sustainable energy transition out of its slump. Long and complex permitting procedures slowed RE capacity build-out down in recent years. Now, France seeks to close the gap on its Multiannual Energy Plan's objective - which states a target of 40GW of installed PV capacity by 2028 and 100GW by 2050. Under the new law, the development prospects for solar are broadened by, for example, providing a framework for agrivoltaics and simplifying the permitting of solar installations near public infrastructure.
Addressing project development obstacles and industry concerns - including grid capacity issues - whilst highlighting the many opportunities and large potential - like novel financing options and the proliferation of PPAs - will be at the core of the Solarplaza Summit France on June 29th in Paris. To find a way out of this crisis, the entire solar ecosystem must find a way to work together: from public authorities to developers, investors, off-takers, and manufacturers. At this key event, you will learn from industry thought leaders, influential investors, PPAs experts, grid operators, and other pioneers that are shaping France’s future energy roadmap.
The Industry Advisory Board empowering the event
The combined wealth of knowledge, years of experience, and high-level network of our expert advisory board members help shape our program and enhance our event. Their involvement guarantees the practical and inspirational relevance of our event in the dynamic and ever-evolving solar landscape.
Sylvie Perrin
Guy Auger
Alexandre Soroko
Pierre Guerrier
Régis le Drézen
Pascal Richard
Fueled by market research, inspired by local consultation, and tailored for our professional audience, the content-rich event program takes stock of the challenges and opportunities of the French PV market.
Session 1 The Latest Updates on French PV
Session 2 Financing The Ever Tightening Business Case
Session 3 Land Availability & Supply Chain: Turning Obstacles into Opportunities
Session 4 Designing a Future-Proof Electricity Market Network in France
28 June 18:30
- 21:00
5-7 Rue de la Bastille, 75004 Paris, France
Brasserie Bofinger is known as one of the most beautiful brasseries in Paris and has been able to survive through the ages while preserving its soul in an exceptional historical setting.
29 June 08:30
- 18:00
9 Av. Hoche, 75008 Paris, France
Our Solarplaza Summit France will take place in the heart of Paris, in the Salons Hoche. Broaden your network in the beautiful surroundings of marble rooms and Baroque splendor.
Need any help?
We got you. Send out an email to our team and we are here to help.
Dee Yon Chng
Project Manager
For questions about the program and content of the event:
[email protected]
Tor Jörgensen
Business Developer
For questions regarding partnership opportunities:
[email protected]
Audrey Wolff
Project Coordinator
For practical questions regarding our activities:
[email protected]