

Energy Flexibility Innovation Storage Grid connection Grid development

Utilizing Energy Storage & Flexibility to Ensure RE Integration into the French Grid

with Corentin Baschet (Clean Horizon) , Régis le Drézen (Think Smartgrids)

Curious to learn more about effective ways to balance the supply and demand of electricity? And how energy storage is generating new revenue opportunities?

Prepare yourself for the upcoming Solarplaza Summit France on June 29th by delving into the developments that are shaping the future of the French electricity network! 

This webinar was held in May 2023, but the recordings are still available!

The webinar will be kicked off by Régis le Drezen from ThinkSmartGrids, who will zoom in on smart grid connections, the promotion of flexibility through tariffs, and the potential use cases of storage related to e-mobility and building flexibility, with a focus on aligning production and consumption through smart grids. Then, Corentin Baschet from CleanHorizonConsulting will give a breakdown of storage revenues in recent years, specifically focusing on the FCR primary reserve and capacity market. We'll also highlight upcoming opportunities, such as the aFRR secondary reserve, opening, auction, and local flexibility schemes with RTE to defer grid investment.

Corentin Baschet

Business Development

Régis le Drézen

Managing Director

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This webinar was created in preparation for Solarplaza Summit France. Be the first to know when the new edition will be held by signing up for updates.