

Solar PV Battery Storage Project Development Asset Management

Obstacles and Drivers of Accelerating Agri-PV Projects in France

with Magalie Dejoux (De Gaulle Fleurance & Associés)

The French solar industry has to take into account the issue of land availability, as ground is often competing with agriculture. Agri-PV (the simultaneous use of agricultural land for food production and PV power generation) is a potential solution to this problem, following the a double land-use approach. It is no coincidence therefore, that Macron has announced that Agri-PV will become one of the main pillars of the French energy system.

This webinar was held in May 2022, but the recordings are still available!

Magalie Dejoux

Lawyer Senior

Are you interested in finding out more about this innovative approach in the energy-food nexus, with numerous benefits for the solar and agricultural sector in France? And are you curious in gaining a solid understanding on the best practices of Agri-PV, and what is needed to scale up the projects? Magalie Dejoux from De Gaulle Fleurance will address the 15 propositions of La Plateforme Verte (LPV), which are released to accelerate the momentum that Agri-PV is currently having in France.

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This webinar was created in preparation for Solarplaza Summit France. Be the first to know when the new edition will be held by signing up for updates.