Solarplaza Summit | Hungary

Tuesday 26 November 2024


Pre-Conference Networking Event

The Networking Event will take place in New York Café

Wednesday 27 November 2024



Registration & Welcome Coffee

45 min.

Session Topics:


Welcome by Solarplaza


15 min.

Anna Hryhoriak


Session Topics:

Session 1

Overview of the Hungarian PV & Storage Market


Powering the Future: Hungary's Roadmap for Solar Energy Development


25 min.

Erno Kiss

MNNSZ - Hungarian Photovoltaic and Solar Collector Association

Session Topics:
  • What is happening in the market?
  • Overview of ongoing and upcoming market trends
  • Status of projects and investments in the pipeline
  • Overview of market segmentation (Residential/C&I/Utility)
  • Cost competitiveness of solar in Hungary


How can Foreign Investors Navigate the Government Pre-emption Right Regime for FDI in PV Projects


25 min.

Krisztina Vauver


Session Topics:
  • Navigating the latest Hungarian FDI regime
  • How foreing investors can shield the negative impact of pre-emption rights
  • Estimated timeline and red date involved in reaching to Ready-to-Build stage for your projects


Empowering Change: The Role of Leadership in Advancing Solar Energy


20 min.

Session Topics:


Morning Networking Break

On average, at Solarplaza Summit events an impressive 92% of attendees are able to make valuable business connections. Don’t miss out!

Session Topics:

Session 2

The Hungarian Utility-Scale Storage Market


Navigating the Hungarian BESS Capacity Market Auctions introduced by the Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority


25 min.

Dive into the forefront of Hungary's energy evolution with MEKH as we unravel the latest support scheme for energy storage. Uncover the strategic deployment of storage applications, the process of integrating batteries into solar plants, key ROI metrics, and optimizing connection points for a comprehensive exploration of large-scale solar energy in Hungary.

Session Topics:


Business Models for Grid-Scale Batteries in the Hungary: Can Investors & Developers Reach an Adequate ROI?


20 min.

Evaggelos Gazis

Aurora Energy Research

Session Topics:
  • Revenue streams including frequency services and energy arbitrage
  • The role of BESS in mitigating grid congestion challenges
  • Investment scenarios for storage across Hungary
  • Estimated profitability of assets with BESS


Monetizing on Storage Projects in Hungary: Case Studies from International IPPs & Investors


40 min.

As the industry faces grid capacity challenges, energy storage projects can make critical contributions towards safeguarding the reliability of the power grid and enabling more RE capacity. This session focuses on this aspect and potential, providing concrete examples and business cases.

Joshua Murphy


Session Topics:


Lunch Networking Break

Our networking app makes it easy to schedule one-on-one meetings with any of the 250+ attendees and 20+ speakers!

Session Topics:

Session 3

Financing & Developing Utility-Scale Projects in Hungary


How International Investors are Moving into Utility-scale PV & BESS Projects in Hungary


20 min.

New investments in the Hungarian solar market are being announced at an increasing pace. Learn about the available financing options, including financing products from commercial banks and new investment funds that specialize in renewable energy projects. Join this session to better understand the key financing terms from banks and the main risks involved, and to learn about recent M&A transactions.

Session Topics:


From Development to Offtake: How Should a Bankable Project be Structured to Secure Project financing?


40 min.


Csaba Polgár


Mihály Ország

K&H Bank

Sándor Végh

Erste Bank

István Pócs

EDP Renewables

Session Topics:
  • What makes a project attractive for private lenders
  • Challenges for financing merchant projects
  • Financing strategies from commercial banks to new up-and-coming investment funds
  • Overview of recent M&A transactions
  • How to effectively structure a joint venture or co-development agreement
  • Preferred business models for investors
  • Price expectations for greenfield and RtB projects


Afternoon Networking Break

Session Topics:

Session 4

Innovations in Technology: Effective PV Solutions to Optimize your LCOE


Optimizing the Technical Performance of Your PV & BESS Projects


40 min.

Session Topics:
  • Upgrading existing assets to improve efficiency
  • Analyzing the choice of components aimed at increasing installed capacity and annual production
  • Overview and price comparison of the latest technologies on the market available for asset managers
  • The next step in operations digitalization
  • Business model optimization with module revamping and repowering
  • Managing underperformance in your solar asset


Is There a Future for Solar Without Storage?


40 min.

Session Topics:


Closing Remarks Solarplaza


15 min.

Anna Hryhoriak


Session Topics:


Closing Networking Drinks

Session Topics:

Need any help?

We got you. Send out an email to our team and we are here to help.

Anna Hryhoriak
Project Manager

For questions about the program and content of the event:

[email protected]
Carmen Collantes de Terán
Business Developer

For questions regarding partnership opportunities:

[email protected]
Helen Tarlap
Project Coordinator

For practical questions regarding our activities:

[email protected]