Solarplaza Summit | Greece

Wednesday 25 September 2024


Pre-Conference Networking Event

We're very happy to kick off the summit with you during our networking dinner on the night prior to the conference. We've chosen a floating venue which will guarantee some stunning 360° views of the Attica riviera. The outside terrace enables to enjoy a late summer night with old and new business friends. Drinks and food included!

The Networking Event will take place in Ploes Floating Venue

Thursday 26 September 2024



Registration & Welcome Coffee

45 min.

Session Topics:

Session 1

Current Status of the Greek Solar and Storage Market


Navigating the Dynamic Greek Solar + Storage Market: Latest Updates and Insights


25 min.

We’ll set the scene with a broad update on the past year of Greek solar energy and storage market development. As we uncover the latest market trends and changes, you’ll gain a comprehensive overview of today’s challenges and opportunities in the sector. Explore the status of ongoing projects and investments in the pipeline and gain insights into the market's division among residential, commercial & industrial, and utility segments, as well as data on current and future price trends.

Stelios Psomas

HELAPCO - Hellenic Association of PV Companies

Session Topics:
  • Status of solar and storage projects and investments
  • Overview of market split (Residential/C&I/Utility)
  • Current and future price levels


Regulatory Framework and Incentives Update


25 min.

Dive into the intricacies of Greece’s regulatory framework for renewables, with a focus on the recent amendments and evolving opportunities. The ideal opportunity to get valuable insights into the legislature and incentives that are shaping the solar industry.

Session Topics:
  • Getting a clear picture of the latest regulatory changes
  • The latest on interconnection terms
  • Upcoming tenders


The Greek Investment Climate: How to Move Forward?


40 min.

This panel will dig into the dynamic landscape of solar energy investment in Greece, dissecting the challenges and opportunities at hand for both domestic and international investors. The discussion will highlight the impact of the recent changes in the regulatory framework and other general market trends, to empower investors to make informed decisions.

Ypatios Moysiadis


Dr. Sotiris Kapellos


Nikos Giannoulis

SENS / Iqony

Session Topics:
  • Impact of recent regulatory changes on the investment climate
  • Unraveling the level playing field on the Greek market
  • Future needs of investors and developers


Morning Networking Break

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Session Topics:

Session 2

Grid Challenges and Solutions


The Pressing Grid Challenge that Greece - and Europe as a Whole - is Facing


15 min.

A crucial presentation that will address the intricacies of the Greek, and larger European, electricity grids, focusing on the challenges they face in integrating renewable energy. Learn what initiatives and strategies are explored in other countries aimed at optimizing grid efficiency and resilience while accommodating the increasing penetration of solar energy.

Elisabeth Cremona

Ember Climate

Session Topics:
  • Current and future outlook
  • Grid improvements vs market solutions


Breaking the Gridlock: Strategies to Mitigate Grid Congestion Challenges


35 min.

Engage your fellow attendees and the experts on stage as we discuss the grid-related challenges Greece is facing, with a specific focus on strategies for mitigating curtailment. We'll assess high-potential solutions like grid modernization, energy storage, further electrification, and smart technologies that can support an optimized grid (eg. demand response, load shifting, peak shaving).

Stella Zaharia

Optimus Energy

Session Topics:
  • Creating grid space
  • Role of batteries in congestion management
  • Strategies dealing with curtailment
  • Cross-border power grid interconnection opportunities


Business Model Strategies for Battery Projects


40 min.

Let’s focus on innovative business models for battery projects in Greece. We’ll zoom in on strategies for financing, deploying, and operating energy storage solutions that enhance grid reliability and support the integration of renewable energy.

Evangelos Gazis

Aurora Energy Research

Session Topics:
  • Stand-alone versus colocated storage
  • From utility-scale solar + storage to behind-the-meter C&I + storage opportunities
  • Bankability of different storage business models - Storage projects with Contracts for Difference
  • Merchant-based storage projects - The latest ins and outs on optimization agreements


Lunch Networking Break

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Session Topics:

Session 3

New Revenue Streams


Self-consumption (and Community) Projects


20 min.

This presentation will elaborate on the opportunities coupled with commercial & industrial (C&I) and self-consumption sector integration through innovative business models, new technologies, and fresh legislative adoptions for new market opportunities.

Session Topics:
  • C&I Update
  • Incorporating the industry's flexibility in grid optimization
  • Energy storage behind the meter


Testing the Bankability Waters for Hybrid Financing and Hybrid Assets


40 min.

In this session we'll delve into the complexities of financing solar projects comparing the viability of merchant market financing versus Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs). Additionally, we'll examine the emerging landscape of hybrid assets, where solar energy is integrated with storage systems, and discuss the key considerations for ensuring bankability in these innovative projects.


Joost Samsom


Evgenia Vasileiadi


Apostolos Panos

Principia Energy

Christos Nakos


Session Topics:
  • A financier's perspective at merchant vs PPA financing of assets
  • Bankability of standalone and colocated storage assets
  • How to further improve the bankability of these projects
  • Trends in hybrid financing


Afternoon Networking Break

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Session Topics:

Session 4

Futureproofing Asset Strategies and Outlooks


Optimizing Solar and Storage Plant Performance


40 min.

Solar and storage asset portfolios are expanding rapidly, which brings about new challenges for owners and operators trying to maximize revenue while controlling costs. The experts on this panel will outline the top obstacles in asset performance management and review the cutting-edge techniques and optimization solutions that industry leaders are increasingly implementing.

Jesús Prado


Session Topics:
  • O&M and AM tools for assets optimization
  • The importance of collecting and standardizing operational data across your portfolio of solar, and battery storage assets
  • How AI is changing the way portfolio owners and operators monitor assets, identify performance issues, and engage O&M providers - Practical examples of common operational issues with solar, and storage assets


Future of The Greek Market


20 min.

Session Topics:


Closing Remarks


10 min.

Session Topics:


Closing Networking Drinks

Session Topics:

Need any help?

We got you. Send out an email to our team and we are here to help.

Frannie Flinterman
Project Manager

For questions about the program and content of the event:

[email protected]
Carmen Collantes de Terán
Business Developer

For questions regarding partnership opportunities:

[email protected]
Audrey Wolff
Project Coordinator

For practical questions regarding our activities:

[email protected]