
9 October 2023


Battery Storage Germany Spain

The State of Energy Storage in Europe’s Solar Powerhouses: Spain & Germany

In the run-up to our two European events wholly focused on energy storage - the Solarplaza Summit Energy Storage Spain (16 November, Madrid) and the Solarplaza Summit Energy Storage Germany (23 November, Cologne) - we hosted two webinars to introduce some of the key themes of the rapidly-developing storage markets in Spain and Germany.

During the first webinar, which took place on 21 September, we were joined by Raúl García Posada from ASEALEN and Valentin Albinet of DNV to get a “Fast-charged Overview of the Spanish Energy Storage Market”. In the second session, on 28 September, Jan Figgener RWTH Aachen University similarly highlighted the main trends in the German energy storage market under the header “Germany's Energy Storage Market Unveiled”.

In this article, powered by Jinko Solar, we will share key learnings from these two sessions, which offer vital insights into the development of these two front-running European energy storage markets.

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