Solarplaza Summit | Energy Storage Spain

Thursday 24 October 2024



Registration & Welcome Coffee

45 min.

Session Topics:


Welcome by Solarplaza

15 min.

Session Topics:

Session 1

The Energy Storage Challenge: Vamos!


Energy Storage: Research, Innovation, Investments, Risks


20 min.

Building and expanding a market for the energy transition is pioneering work, how can the industry break through the glass ceiling and expand the market for energy storage?

Alberto Toril

Breakthrough Energy

Session Topics:
  • Overview of research and innnovation
  • Investment opportunities


Spain's Storage Potential: Market Insights and Strategic Forecasts in the European Energy Landscape


20 min.

We'll zoom out to provide a big-picture overview of the Spanish storage market, situated within the wider European context. You'll get a quick run-down of existing and forecasted storage deployments.

George Hilton

S&P Global Commodity Insights

Session Topics:
  • Market forecast (MW installed and Bn€ invested)
  • Overview of challenges and upcoming opportunities


Winning Strategies: Spain's New Storage Regulations to Stay Ahead in the Market


20 min.

Get an update on Spain's evolving energy storage regulations and their market impact. Discover new opportunities arising from recent regulatory updates and how to capitalize on them. Gain insights into how developers, investors, and EPCs are interpreting and adapting to new legislation.

Session Topics:
  • Tenders and Auctions: Learn about upcoming tenders and auctions, and how to strategically position yourself for success.
  • Translating Regulations: Understand how to translate legal updates into actionable opportunities for your business.
  • Proven Strategies: Explore real-world examples of successful approaches to navigating Spain's regulatory landscape.


Adding Up The Value of Energy Storage: Revenue Stream Assumptions and Curtailment Fees


40 min.

The value of a storage project in a large part is determined by it's revenue assumptions. Discover diverse investor perspectives on the revenue streams for battery storage in Spain and navigate lucrative market routes.

Tomás García


Session Topics:
  • Revenue Opportunities: Discover the various revenue streams available for battery storage in Spain.
  • Evaluating the 6th revenue stream: the expected impact and role of the capacity market.
  • Gain insights into different revenue assumptions and the subsequent implications on your business case.
  • Projections of curtailment costs and grid fees.
  • Case Studies: Explore real-world examples of successful battery storage projects and their revenue models.


Morning Networking Break

On average, at Solarplaza Summit events an impressive 92% of attendees are able to make valuable business connections. Don’t miss out!

Session Topics:

Session 2

Technical Feasibility: Solutions & Innovations to Energy Storage


TSO Initiatives for Reducing Grid Congestion: Exclusive Tactics for Turning Gridlock into Grid Flow


20 min.

Learn about current grid congestion issues and their impact on energy distribution, with exclusive strategies from top TSOs. Understand TSO flexibility assessments and explore real-world examples of successful initiatives. Gain future projections and strategic insights for maintaining grid flow in evolving energy markets.

Session Topics:
  • In-depth analysis of current grid congestion issues and their impact on energy distribution.
  • Exclusive planning strategies from top TSOs to alleviate grid congestion.
  • Detailed explanation of TSO flexibility assessments, methodologies, and key deadlines.
  • Real-world examples of successful TSO initiatives reducing grid congestion.
  • Future projections and strategic insights for maintaining grid flow in evolving energy markets.


Monetizing Energy Storage and Conceptualizing Value in Spain


25 min.

Practical insights into proven business models for energy storage, taking their maximum value-adding potential into account and considering the practices of revenue stacking.

Oliver Schmidt

Imperial College London

Session Topics:
  • Categorizing storage services by their value-adding potential.
  • Determining the cost of providing these services.
  • Optimizing business models through revenue stacking.


The Bottom Line: Securing Project Financing Where There Is None


40 min.

Financing the future is a tricky business, and not without obstacles. This panel of investors, utilities, banks and developers will discuss the harsh reality of what it takes to finance a storage asset in Spain for 2024, and some potential strategies to clear those obstacles.


Kim Keats Martínez


Dr. Mikel Pino

Exus Renewables

Session Topics:
  • Conditions and challenges to securing a bank loan for projects.
  • Achieving cash flow security.


Lunch Networking Break

Our networking app makes it easy to schedule one-on-one meetings with any of the 250+ attendees and 20+ speakers!

Session Topics:

Session 3

Economics of Energy Storage Supply and Demand: Business Cases


The Power of Mini Grids and Community-Driven Renewable Energy


20 min.

Session Topics:
  • Sustainable Solutions: Discover the role of community-driven renewable energy in fostering sustainability.
  • Community Empowerment: Hear from an inspirational keynote on how mini grids are transforming local communities.
  • Real-World Impact: Gain insights into successful case studies of mini grids powering and uplifting communities.
  • Innovative Technologies: Learn about innovations that enable efficient and resilient mini grid solutions.
  • Future of Energy: Understand how localized energy systems are shaping the future of renewable energy and community development.


Discover the Latest Breakthroughs in Hybrid Renewable Assets Combining Wind, Solar, and Storage


40 min.

Optimize energy output and reliability with advanced technologies and seamless integration of storage with hybrid renewable systems. Explore high-return investments and future-proof strategies for the next decade in hybrid renewable energy solutions.

Catalina Bauza Llinas


Session Topics:
  • Maximizing Efficiency: Learn how to optimize energy output and reliability with advanced technologies.
  • Strategic Integrations: Insights into seamless integration of storage facilities with hybrid renewable systems.
  • Investment Opportunities: high-return investments in hybrid renewable projects with storage.
  • Future-Proof Strategies: Prepare for the next decade with forward-thinking approaches to hybrid renewable energy solutions.


Project Building: Technical Insights & Considerations


20 min.

Understand all the requirements that need to be considered in building an energy storage project from scratch!

Joshua Murphy


Session Topics:
  • Project Dimensioning
  • Required Area Calculations
  • Typical Storage Configurations
  • Behind the meter vs Front of the meter


Afternoon Networking Break

Whether you're looking to connect with professionals from a specific sector or want to build relationships across the entire solar PV value chain, our event offers a unique chance to engage with experts from across the industry.

Session Topics:

Session 4

Energy Storage: Making It Work


Surfing the Waves of Price Volatility: Are You Up-To-Date?


20 min.

Understand the factors driving price volatility and gain expert insights on Spain's storage and PV market trends. Learn strategies to manage price fluctuations, identify high-potential investments, and explore techniques to build resilience and stability in your projects.

Valentin Albinet


Session Topics:
  • Price Fluctuations: Understand the factors driving price volatility and how to anticipate market shifts.
  • Market Insights: Gain expert perspectives on the current state and future trends of Spain's storage and PV market.
  • Strategic Approaches: Learn effective strategies for managing and mitigating the impact of price volatility.
  • Investment Opportunities: Identify high-potential investment opportunities despite market fluctuations.
  • Future-Proofing: Explore techniques to build resilience and stability in your energy storage and PV projects.


Plans and Projections for Spain’s Energy Storage Milestones for 2030: Viable or Unfeasible?


40 min.

Gain expert perspectives on financial viability and bankability in Spain's energy storage future and learn comprehensive strategies for integrating international expertise. Discover key strategies for 2025 and multidisciplinary insights into the evolving landscape of energy storage in Spain.

Raúl García Posada


Session Topics:
  • Expert perspectives on financial viability and bankability in Spain’s energy storage future.
  • Comprehensive strategies for integrating international expertise into Spanish energy storage.
  • Key strategies and steps for 2025 that will shape the next five years.
  • Multidisciplinary insights into the evolving landscape of energy storage in Spain.


Closing Remarks

25 min.

Session Topics:


Closing Networking Drinks

Session Topics:

Need any help?

We got you. Send out an email to our team and we are here to help.

Dee Yon Chng
Project Manager

For questions about the program and content of the event:

[email protected]
Carmen Collantes de Terán
Business Developer

For questions regarding partnership opportunities:

[email protected]
Mar Clemente Diego
Manager Event As A Service (EASY)

For practical questions regarding our activities:

[email protected]