Solarplaza Summit | Baltics

Thursday 20 March 2025



Registration & welcome coffee

45 min.

Session Topics:


Opening & welcome by Solarplaza


15 min.

Nicola Kopij Zanin


Session Topics:

Session 1

Snapshot of the Baltics RE Market: a Necessary Refresher


Volatility, curtailment & negative spot prices: what risks & opportunities utility-scale RE projects bring to the Baltics over the next years?


20 min.

The latest months hav been and the next years are expected to be characterized by volatile energy prices with an increased penetration of RE into the power system: this trend will profundly shape the long term scenario and profile of energy demand and supply in the region. We kick off the day by providing you with a clear snapshot on what is going on in the Baltic RE utility scale market and how it is expected to shape over the next years.

Johan Lindahl

Becquerel Sweden

Session Topics:
  • What is happening in the Baltics RE market?
  • Overview of ongoing and upcoming market trends in terms of project development, technology and market prices 
  • Status of built projects and forecasted development pipeline
  • Utility-scale PV & BESS latest changes in regulation
  • Cost competitiveness of solar & storage projects


What support and strategy can investors expect from the Lithuanian National Energy Regulatory Council (NERC)?


20 min.

Lithuania plans to source its electricity exclusively from local renewable energy sources by 2030. Renewable energy currently accounts for around 40 per cent of total system demand, mainly from solar and wind. The Lithuanian National Energy Regulatory Council will share their view on how they support PV, Wind & BESS projects and tenders to make sure the country's strategic goal of energy independence is met.

Jelena Dilienė

National Energy Regulatory Council

Session Topics:
  • Latest framework aimed at incentivizing a swift roll out of RE projects
  • Upcoming RE tenders: what can investors expect
  • Long term outlook aimed at fostering the deployment of RE


InnoSolveGreen Project: Breaking down the first hybrid project (PV & BESS) with a signed PPA in the Baltics


30 min.

Join us for this inspiring presentation hosted by Green Genius to learn about the first-of-a kind hybrid project now operational in the Baltics. The InnoSolveGreen project combines PV & Storage technology and is supported by a PPA with the Carlsberg brewery. Such project may be the first of such a kind to be soon adopted in the region as it embraces a truly innovative production profile. 

Nerijus Virbickas

Green Genius

Session Topics:
  • How to convince major stakeholders to invest into storage projects?
  • What do lenders and banks look at when structuring the project USP?
  • What potential offtakers may foster the Baltic PPA market and what kind of products are suited for them?
  • How to monetize on storage projects by reducing pressure on the grid
  • Expectations, Challenges, Dissapointments: what the future holds for BESS investors


Morning networking break

95% of the attendees of last year’s Solarplaza Summit Baltics said they made a valuable business connection. Use this break to kickstart your networking & meet your next business partners!

Session Topics:

Session 2

The Up-to-date Investment Framework for BESS Projects in the Baltics


Modeling the risk-return profile of utility-scale BESS strategies: are you a "price arbitrage" or "frequency services" type of investor?


20 min.

Large-scale battery energy storage systems are indispensable to continue fuelling the energy transtition. Investors are faced with the pros of cons of different business models: providing grid services through frequency service models, taking on higher risk through price arbitrage, or a mix of both. What is more convenient and how to the benefits of each strategy compare with the downsides?

Alexander Esser

Aurora Energy Research

Session Topics:
  • Expected revenue streams from frequency services and energy arbitrage: which ones are more convenient?
  • Investment pipeline for storage projects in the Baltics
  • Estimated profitability of assets with BESS: is standalone storage or RE assets + BESS more convenient?


Hype or winning strategy: are storage projects undergoing a development bubble in the Baltics?


40 min.

Developers are embarking on an increasing number of standalone or co-located BESS projects and sharing these opportunities with inverstors. What percentage of the pipeline being developed in the market will be built and is the market ready for a sudden surge in operational storage projects? During this panel major investors and project developers active in the Batlics will share their thoughts.

Andrius Karazinas

Lithuanian Solar Energy Association (LSEA)

Aistis Radavičius

Aura Power

Vigars Kaktinieks


Session Topics:
  • Expectations for co-development agreements and joint-ventures in the Baltics: timelines and payment schedules
  • What is the estimated potential of storage projects being developed in the Baltics
  • Key qualities making a utility-scale project attractive for investors
  • Estimated timeline for reaching Ready-to-Build (RtB) status in the Batlics for projects under development


Networking lunch break

Our networking app makes it easy to schedule one-on-one meetings with any of the 150+ attendees and 15+ speakers!

Session Topics:

Session 3

The Baltics Utility-Scale RE project financing & PPA Landscape


Is the Baltic market ready for Power Purchase Agreements in order to secure the revenue streams of energy producers?


40 min.

While the Baltic states may miss out on the amount of large, energy intensive corporates as potential offtakers for a PPA contract, such revenue stream is still very appetible for many investors. Throughout this discussion, market leaders will share their perspective on what is missing and how to fill the gaps for the Baltics PPA market to gain momentum and scale.


Andrius Šimkus


Nerijus Virbickas

Green Genius

Tadas Navickas


Session Topics:
  • Navigating contractual risks
  • Mapping out potential offtakers in the Baltics
  • Types of PPAs: respective risks & advantages
  • Pros & Cons of different types of contracts


Project financing prospects for utility-scale RE assets: are banks ready to take on more risk through storage projects?


40 min.

Interest rates and financing costs remain high: IPPs and investors must ensure their business models are updated and remain competitive in order to reach positive NPV projects. This becomes even more challenging as storage revenue streams have to be modelled and integreated into financial models. It all starts with project financing, and during this panel discussion, the major lenders involved in project financing for utility-scale projects in the Batlics will share their insights on hot wo maximize the chances structuring successful financing deals, and how they price in the risk for projects with cash flow exposure based on BESS.

Giedrius Rūškys

European Investment Bank (EIB)

Vytautas Žilys

Luminor Group

Mathilde Ketoff


Vaidas Žagūnis

Citadele Bankas

Session Topics:
  • What project characteristics should developers aim for in order to obtain project financing
  • Can merchant projects still be financed?
  • Financing options from commercial banks
  • Private debt strategies as alternative to traditional equity financing


Afternoon networking break

Whether you're looking to connect with professionals from a specific sector or want to build relationships across the entire solar PV value chain, our event offers a unique chance to engage with experts from across the industry.

Session Topics:

Session 4

Effective PV & Storage Solutions to Optimize your LCOE & Asset Management Best Practices


Where do we stand in terms of technology, efficiency gains and innovation for utility-scale projects


20 min.

During this presentation, you will acquire knowledge about the latest technologies and how they can be applied to different project sizes (utility-scale vs C&I). We will cover topics such as technology efficiency, durability, and reliability. By learning about the best practices for selecting the right technology for a specific project, participants will gain a competitive edge in their work.

Session Topics:
  • Latest advancements in technology
  • Key attributes of component efficiency 
  • Best practices for selecting the ideal technology and power output



Is your Asset Management strategy suited for the Baltics PV market?


30 min.

Session Topics:
  • How can existing assets be upgraded in terms of new applications to improve efficiency
  • Analyzing the choice of components aimed at increasing installed capacity and annual production
  • Overview and price comparison of the latest technologies on the market available for asset managers
  • Next step in operations digitalization
  • Business model optimization with module revamping and repowering
  • Managing underperformance in your asset
  • Spotting the leaks: where are your hidden losses?
  • Over/Under estimating factors: what's the impact on your plant?


Yes to storage, flexibility & hybrid assets: but under which business model? An international perspective


30 min.

Market leader Independent Power Producers (IPPS), utilities & investors are all placing high bets on the rapid adoption of storage technologies. BESS projects have gained momentum and a lot of key takeaways can be derived from foreign, mature markets where the penetration of storage is increasing massively/ Gain crucial insights into expected business models, how foreign & mature market trends are expected to be adopted in the Baltics, and how the RE industry will evolve to be even more resilient to increased market volatility.


Nicola Kopij Zanin


Rytis Kėvelaitis

Energy Unlimited

Edvardas Norkeliūnas


Session Topics:
  • Are hybrid assets the future of the Baltic power system?
  • Will co-located projects with BESS assets become a necessity to survive in the market?
  • Lessons learned from foreign and mature storage markets
  • Expected extra revenues from storage assets:
  • Planning your long-term strategy in the Baltic RE market


Closing remarks

10 min.

Nicola Kopij Zanin


Session Topics:


Networking drinks

As you mingle and build your network, be sure to take a moment to enjoy a refreshing soft drink, glass of wine, or cold beer. While solar PV experts from Lithuania, Latvia & Estonia represented approximately 65% of our attendees last year, there will be plenty of opportunities to connect with professionals from our global network, which includes countries such as Poland, Germany, Denmark, Romania and many more!

Session Topics:

Need any help?

We got you. Send out an email to our team and we are here to help.

Duygu Özer de Kruijf
Project Manager

For practical questions regarding our activities:

[email protected]

Ward Schuuring
Business Developer Team Lead

For practical questions regarding our activities:

[email protected]

Sabine Dhevaraj
Project Coordinator

For practical questions regarding our activities:

[email protected]