White Paper

28 November 2023


Solar PV Commercial & Industrial (C&I) Mini-grid Africa

Estimated reading time: 20 min

Distributed Energy in Developing Nations

In developing countries the scarcity or even absence of a (stable and reliable) grid is the number one hurdle in reaching energy access for all. The role distributed energy plays is gaining traction both for homes in rural areas as for corporates in urban areas.

As a prelude to our upcoming Future of Energy Summit in Amsterdam, this new report will assess two distinctive approaches to distributed energy generation: minigrids and C&I. These two vital applications offer resilient and cost-effective solutions to bolster energy access and economic activity in emerging markets.

The report highlights the opportunities and challenges of their deployment and some of the business models that help in realizing projects. Expert interviews complement the report with insights from the field.

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This white paper was created in preparation for Future of Energy. Be the first to know when the new edition will be held by signing up for updates.