

Storage Africa Latin America Southeast Asia

Pioneering the Future of Energy Storage in Emerging Markets

with Michel Scheepens as moderator (FMO) , Roberto Rodriguez Labastida (Guidehouse Insights) , Gilles Parmentier (Africa REN) , Peter Möckel (International Finance Corporation (IFC))

Energy storage is fundamental to creating a more intelligent, reliable, and flexible energy future and will be a crucial enabler for the energy transition in emerging markets. As renewable energy generation capacity expands and energy demand rises - due to rapid population growth and electrification of more parts of society - energy storage will become essential in the emerging markets of Pacific Asia, Latin America, and Africa. However, to date, energy storage deployment has been very limited in those regions. 

This webinar was held in November 2023, but the recordings are still available!

This webinar will provide a regional outlook on energy storage development and will highlight the key drivers and barriers to storage deployment in emerging markets. Pioneers in the energy storage space will share their lessons learned from both a developer's and a financier's perspective.

Michel Scheepens

Manager Energy West-Africa & MENA-region


Roberto Rodriguez Labastida

Principal Research Analyst

Gilles Parmentier


Peter Möckel

Principal Industry Specialist

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This webinar was created in preparation for Future of Energy. Be the first to know when the new edition will be held by signing up for updates.