
1 February 2021


Gender Diversity

Letter From The Organizers

Author: Solarplaza

2020 was a year of reflection & introspection for all of us. Being homebound, we were looking into the meaning of our work and reflecting on what we had defined as our mission in the industry: "to positively impact the world by accelerating the sustainable energy transition".

With a steady base of events around the globe, we are working on that mission every day. However, we have also been confronted with the reality that a sustainable future relies on more than greener practices and green energy - it relies heavily on the people that work towards that better future.

We’ve come to realize that there is a lack of diverse representation in the narrative of the renewable energy sector, on our stages and beyond. This is a shortcoming of the industry as a whole, especially since it’s so clear that diversity adds positive value to a team. Why, then, are non-males such a minority in the industry, and even more so in high-level positions? Are there not enough qualified others for the job? What challenges do we need to overcome? What best practices are already in place? These questions and more served as motivation for this diversity & inclusion campaign.

As event organizers, we recognize our role in connecting people, highlighting their achievements, and providing them with time and space on our stages. Nevertheless, we see that these stages are not adequately reflecting the gender and racial diversity that does exist in our sector, while at the same time also exposing the lack of high-level non-male representation that is a reality of this industry as a whole.

There is no better way to tackle this problem than to open up the floor and talk about it. That is why we are hosting our first conference on the topic in 2021, along with complimentary tickets and no barriers to entry. This is a conversation for all industry professionals - male, female, and non-binary, from any racial and cultural background.

At Solarplaza, solar energy is undeniably our focus. But perhaps we can shine some light beyond solar panels and explore other fundamental matters related to a sustainable and inclusive future.

We hope you will join us on our journey,

The Solarplaza Team

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