
16 March 2023


Market Overview PPAs Renewable Energy Targets Solar PV Spain

PV Market Overview Spain 2023

In 2022, Spain installed the second-highest amount of new solar capacity in Europe, falling only behind Germany. Though the country truly is a solar powerhouse, this does not come without its challenges. Check out our latest infographic to find out more about the key stats and figures that define the Spanish PV market. This visual overview provides you with information on capacity additions, energy mix composition, and notable facts from the Spanish PPA market. The infographic also hints at some core opportunities and challenges for you to be aware of in the lead-up to the 5th edition of our Solarplaza Summit Spain, which will take place on the 6th of July in Madrid.

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This infographic was created in preparation for Solarplaza Summit Spain. Be the first to know when the new edition will be held by signing up for updates.