White Paper

23 February 2023


PPAs Solar PV Netherlands

Estimated reading time: 10 min

Corporate Solar PPAs in the Netherlands

Corporate sourcing of renewable energy (RE) through solar PPAs has been a growing trend in several European countries including Spain, France, Denmark, the UK, and Germany. In the Netherlands, however, the market for this type of agreement between energy producers and buyers is still in its infancy.

Who are some of the first movers to gain a competitive advantage by entering the solar PPA arena in the Netherlands? What are the current market conditions for corporate PPAs and what is the PPA potential in the country? 

As a preparation for our Solarplaza Summit PPAs The Netherlands, we aim to shed light on the above-mentioned questions in this white paper.

This white paper was created in preparation for Solarplaza Summit PPAs The Netherlands. Be the first to know when the new edition will be held by signing up for updates.

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