Author: Szabolcs Magyari & Jordan Kouzmanoff, Solarplaza
Southeast Asia is one of the most promising regions for solar development. Home to dozens of emerging economies with favorable political climates, Southeast Asia is bound to become a cornerstone of the renewable energy revolution.
This report serves as complementary material to the Unlocking Solar Capital Asia (28-29 September) conference organized by Solarplaza in Singapore and the Solar PV Trade Mission we’re hosting in Vietnam (27 November - 1 December). It provides an overview of the key facts and figures related to key markets in Southeast Asia. You will find extensive overviews of Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, Myanmar and Cambodia; and short summaries on Laos and Brunei, thus covering the whole Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
Solarplaza is proud to announce the organization of Unlocking Solar Capital Asia - an industry-unique conference dedicated to exploring the ways to unlock capital for solar development in Southeast Asia. After previous editions in Europe, Africa and Latin America, this event is our 4th conference entirely focused on bankability issues in emerging markets. This conference will serve as a hub to connect investors with developers and will provide an ideal opportunity to form long-lasting business relationships with industry professionals.
The Solar PV Trade Mission Vietnam, Our 4th trade mission in Southeast Asia (and 28th worldwide) will focus solely on Vietnam. As highlighted by this report as well, this country is set for a tremendous growth in PV capacity. For international project developers, IPPs, financiers, suppliers and service providers, we offer this Trade Mission as an effective springboard into the Vietnamese PV market.