At present, the average price of electricity coming from diesel fuel generators at mining sites in Africa is $0.30/kWh*. The average price of solar power generated electricity, on the other hand, is only $0.17/kWh
-, almost half the cost of diesel fuel. However, saving money is not the only concern for solar experts and enthusiasts. Reducing diesel use also means lowering or even eliminating greenhouse gas emissions, as well as improving the quality of health and life for mining and agricultural business employees all over the African continent.
"At present, the average price of diesel fuel generators at mining sites in Africa costs $0.30/kWh."
One of the biggest proponents of solar energy is Solarplaza’s founder and CEO, Mr. Edwin Koot, based in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. He has worked in the field for over twenty years as an expert and advocate for the widespread use of solar, and has spent the last decade hosting 10-15 events per year all over the world in an effort to bring solar professionals together to promote the rapid growth and improvement of solar technologies. His latest venture lies within the mining and agricultural industries of Africa, and the value of encouraging such industries to convert their use of diesel fuel to solar.

“Focusing on large diesel consuming industries in Africa that can replace part of their overall consumption with solar would not only save money, but also reduces the risk of volatility that accompanies the use of diesel,” offers Mr. Koot of Solarplaza. “Solar can be used anywhere that the sun shines and is one of the best distributed renewable energies. It’s an extremely viable solution in Africa because of its competitiveness and cost reductions,” illustrates Koot.
When discussing the global impact of the newly competitive solar era that has the potential to revamp mining and agricultural businesses in Africa, Mr. Koot explained, “Diesel replacement in Africa will have a positive impact on the rest of the world. Not only will there be an increase in opportunities for other countries to get involved by way of educating African businesses on the benefits of solar, but we can also expect to see an increase in jobs. Diesel replacement in Africa will indubitably empower global relations, and that is always a good thing.”
"The competitive solar era has in fact arrived and will only continue to grow exponentially"
Solarplaza’s conference regarding Diesel Replacement Strategies will take place, March 4-5, 2015 in Johannesburg, South Africa. This event will bring together active minds from numerous countries around the globe to further discuss the benefits of solar as the number one renewable energy source, and how Africa can and will save money, boost a green image, and improve the health of employees working for diesel fueled companies. With a minimum of 15 mining companies in attendance, the potential to transform current diesel users into sustainable solar businesses is extremely viable.
Previously, solar energy existed primarily in a highly incentivized era. The idea that countries such as Germany, which is the current leader in use of PV power, could now utilize solar to provide approximately one-quarter of all energy to the homes and businesses of its entire population of 80.7 million, seemed unobtainable. However, the competitive solar era has in fact arrived and due to its lack of volatility, will only continue to grow exponentially as more countries are educated about the massive benefits which solar provides.
*Note from the editor: The numbers represented here are an average from various countries in Africa. Solarplaza understands that Africa is a large continent with great variations between countries and geographical locations, and cannot therefore definitively claim that such prices would be applicable throughout the entire continent.
About Solarplaza is the independent global platform for knowledge, trade and events for the photovoltaic solar energy (PV) industry. Solarplaza is based in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, and has already organized over 60 conferences and trade missions in including, but not limited to, Greece, the United States, India, China, Taiwan, Germany, Italy, South Africa, and Spain.
Press Contact
Alexandra Mebane
Phone: +31 10 280 9198
Email: [email protected]