
24 February 2011


Italy: 10% of the national electricity demand from PV within the next 10 years

The Italian PV market will continue to growth in a sustainable manner in the years to come – declares Mr Valerio Natalizia – thus contributing to the economical upswing and to the energy independence of Italy. This will lead to job creations and to a fair balance between costs and benefits for the whole country.

GSE data shows around 3 GW of cumulated capacity end 2010. In 2011 the estimated volumes are expected to be around 5 GW (thanks to the Decreto Alcoa). In the following years the growth will be in line with the previous two years.

Our estimates – says Natalizia - are based on several conditions in terms of legislation and technology. Those will have to guarantee adequate incentives for all market segments until a full competitiveness has reached; homogenity at the national level for the licensing procedures; a proper development of the electrical infrastructure to be coupled with the smart grid and the dispatching priority for green electricity.

To this purpose the newly elected Board of Members have published the so-called Program Guidelines. They represent the documents which will address all actions taken by the association in the years to come.

Our aim – concludes Natalizia – is to involve all PV stakeholders in order to define a common pathway towards the PV market stability and the industry independence from incentives. This, in our opinion will allow the national industry to play a key role in the global market starting right from the Mediterranean area.

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