Data Analysis

30 June 2020


Market Overview Solar PV Floating

Top 200 Operational Floating Solar Projects

Following the trends of recent years, floating solar has continued to gain popularity in 2019. As the technology matures and becomes cheaper, more and more countries start to develop their own floating PV (FPV) systems in different freshwater and marine environments. Today, there are operational projects on hydropower dams, water reservoirs, flooded mining subsidences, rivers, fishery lakes as well as on seawater near-shore and even off-shore.

According to the Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore (SERIS), the global cumulative installed FPV capacity reached over 1.6 GW in 2019, which translates to an increase of over 35% compared to 2018. To have a better understanding of the global and regional FPV developments, and prepare for the Global Floating Solar Conference 2020, we have updated our overview of the Top 200 operational FPV plants in the world.

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